Our work packages
Project Management (Work Package 1)
This Work Package ensures the overall management, administration, coordination and execution of the project, combining all project components, so that the expected results can be achieved in accordance with the proposal and expectations of the topic.
Design Concept (work package 2)
All about coming to a harmonized hyperloop design concept, including a commonly agreed Concept of Operations, system architecture, and interfaces, which will serve as the baseline for both technology validation and the common industry roadmap.
Network & Route Business Case (work package 3)
Identify the most appropriate role and function for hyperloop within the future multimodal TEN-T network, considering existing transportation modes, emerging systems like maglev-derived technology, and will identify potentially viable use cases that inform the business case
Technology Validation (work package 4)
Advancing the hyperloop concept from initial ideation to a technically validated and practical stage by establishing a solid foundation for ongoing development and future integration. This process involves collaboration with industry partners to optimize the use of existing technologies and accelerate the development
Common Industry Roadmap (work package 5)
Developing an industry roadmap for the implementation of hyperloop technology in Europe. This roadmap encompasses key aspects such as technology development, safety certification, designing the blueprint for a full-scale test facility, network roll-out, and anticipated socio-economic outcomes, aiming to guide stakeholders towards the successful integration of hyperloop into the European transportation system
Communication and Dissemination (Work Package 6)
The objectives of this work package are to maximize impact by implementing measures to increase the reach and influence of the project outcomes. The activities are focused on disseminating the technical results of the project to the relevant stakeholders, and communicating to society about the activities performed and the benefits the project will have for citizens.